Tree Base Klear Carts. The Tree Base is a concentrate pioneer, being one of the first to bring clear, distillate concentrates to market. Tree Base’s vape cartridges, crystals, and klear syringes consistently give a clean high. Tree Base provides extracts to the cannabis community. Their techniques produce consistent extracts that capture the essence of the original strain in each puff.  Tree Base was developed on a revolutionary formula.
The founders have spent most of their life around cannabis and have over a decade of expertise in the sector. The co-founder and chemist of Tree Base invented a process for producing colorless, odorless, waterclear distillate. They both knew they’d discovered something worth sharing. Tree Base partners saw a gap in the market and wanted to introduce something to the cannabis extraction market that would set the bar higher. For the Tree Base co-founders, the cannabis industry is more than a trend or a way to make money; it is a way of life. Tree Base debuted their waterclear extractions to concentrate aficionados across California in 2015.
Their clear distillate concentrates blew extraction norms out of the water, but rewriting the distillate narrative proved difficult. It was just a matter of time until the cannabis community gave them a try and fell in love, thanks to their patience and passion to educate. Since their inception, the founders and Tree Base team have proudly provided their customers with excellent cannabis extractions. Today, the founders extend an invitation to the cannabis community to sample their products. Take a puff, the difference is obvious.
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